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Welcome to
Colton Christian School
Colton Christian School provides affordable Christian education for Jr. K-12th students in the Inland Empire.
Founded in 2020, CCS is excited to provide education rooted in Scriptural truth.
Our motto is "Courage Above All" and in just a few months with a great deal of prayer, CCS was established to meet a need in our community after the closure of Bloomington Christian School. If you're looking for private Christian education close to home, consider becoming an CCS Warrior!
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is older, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
Our Core Values
Colton Christian students are prepared to advance academically as they learn how to advance the kingdom of God.
Jesus was the ultimate example of compassion and Colton Christian follows His steps in the way we treat each other and reach out to our community.
Paul speaks volumes on self control and Colton Christian students put it into practice to become disciplined and self aware members of the Body of Christ.
In a world where individual pride is championed, the Colton Christian community emphasizes humble teamwork and a combination of God's gifts to achieve goals.
Living in a way that glorifies God takes the courage of a warrior and the students at Colton Christian practices perseverance to be best prepared for life's trials.
Our Campus
Warrior uniforms consist of navy blue/gray/white polos with navy blue/tan bottoms, as well PE uniforms.
Visit debsthreadz.com to order uniforms or click on the SHOP button above.
ALL uniforms must have school logo on them.
Visit the link to see what is acceptable, as well New Friday Chapel Dress Code for both boys and girls.
Contact office with questions.